Crain Art Gallery

“JMAAF’s Art Collection “A Good Message Through Abstract Art” Found a Home at Crain Art Gallery in San Marino, California. This captivating exhibit ran from February 28 to May 1, 2020, offering art enthusiasts and the local community a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of abstract art. The gallery showcased a stunning array of abstract artworks, each conveying its own profound message and artistic expression.

Visitors to the exhibit had the chance to explore these captivating pieces up close, delving into the intricate details and emotional depth that each artwork offered. The collection celebrated the power of abstract art to communicate and evoke emotions, leaving a lasting impact on all who attended.

We invite you to experience the exhibit vicariously through the images and video tour provided below. Join us in reliving the magic of “A Good Message Through Abstract Art” at the Crain Art Gallery.”


Video of Exhibit