Botanical gardens

In any city there always is a place to paint, either from a public park, or on a sandy beach. Being born and raised in Southern California I have been spoiled with many places to enjoying creating a painting. There’s nothing like seeing a perfect spot to spend a few hours in mother nature in front of a canvas. I feel most at peace with myself when I’m doing this. I encourage anybody who is interested to find somewhere that really speaks to them and go out and enjoy a few hours of creating a piece of artwork in whatever medium you feel is best.

In Los Angeles we have many botanical gardens that are open to the public to enjoy. I have found these gardens to be such a blessing in my life with creating the artworks that you see. Eventually I would love to travel to multiple botanicals around the state and abroad to just let loose on the canvas the beauty of mother nature and being in mother nature creating.
I encourage you to go out into the world and create!