Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The Justin Mattock Abstract Art Foundation is committed to protecting the privacy of our visitors. This privacy governs the way we collect and use information both online and offline, including at and its subdomains, including websites accessed through your mobile devices as well as downloadable mobile applications(Websites). A link to this policy is included in the menu of the website which is located on every page. Your use of the websites or provision of personal information to the Museum as described below constitutes your agreement to the terms of this privacy policy.

General Information

We welcome any information you may have towards our site. Please email any questions of any sort to the email on the contact page. We will not share these emails with any third parties for marketing purposes.

Cookies / popups

The website may require you to have cookies enabled to view certain popups or web pages. With creating these popups or webpages that require cookies enabled we make sure that no personal information is shared with any third party. We do not collect the data for analytics at this time. Maybe in the future to measure traffic etc. but for now JMAAF does not care to do so.

Email Communication

The website offers in the lower right hand corner a signup sheet to receive news updates with what the organization is planning. With each individual signing up their email is not share with third parties only kept for when an email update is to be sent out. If you would like to not use the popup to add your email you can directly email JMAAF under the contact page and we can add you to the list for news updates etc..

How we collect and Use information you provide

At JMAAF we don’t collect user’s information other than an email for the news update at the users request. We use a third party to process the payment for the online store we show you the third-party information so that you can determine if you want to proceed. if you choose to purchase through them. The user is responsible for reading the third parties privacy policy and terms JMAAF takes no responsibility.

When you make a donation

The museum will use a third-party service online if the user wishes to complete the transaction online. The user is responsible with reading the terms and privacy information on those sites JMAAF is not responsible for any wrong information or miss handling of information from those third party sites..
If the users wishes to send a payment via mail, upon receiving a charitable donation JMAAF needs to add their information to the IRS documentation in order for the user to receive the deduction at the end of the year that information will be kept in the organizations organizing documents outside of the internet. That information(990-ez) is made public for inspection but the schedule B and M page users information is made private according to the IRS tax code.

When you shop in the JMAAF store online

When you decide to purchase a product on the JMAAF website you will be directed to using one of the third party purchase gateways. All information will not be stored on JMAAF’s website but will be stored on the third parties website. Please read their terms and privacy agreements to make sure you agree.

Third-party service providers

The museum engages reputable third-party vendors in order to help us manage the websites. Process online transactions. The information that these third-party vendors store is under their privacy and terms agreements which are not of what JMAAF’s terms of use and privacy policy’s are. Please read them to know if you would like to continue if not please email JMAAF and we can figure a way that best suits your needs to make the experience as comfortable as possible.

If you have any questions please contact JMAAF for any questions. The contact information is under the contact on the menu.