About the Director

Welcome to the Justin Mattock Abstract Art Foundation

Hello and a warm welcome to the Justin Mattock Abstract Art Foundation. I’m Justin P. Mattock, the director of JMAAF and the organization’s founder. My artistic journey into the realm of abstract painting began over fifteen years ago as I searched for something that would fill me with a sense of completeness. Among various pursuits, it was in front of a canvas that I discovered my true calling. Painting became my sanctuary, a release that allowed me to tap into my internal voice guided by a higher power. The act of applying medium to canvas felt like an innate and harmonious process, guided by divine inspiration.

With every artwork I create, my intention is to provide viewers with a glimpse into the same profound experience I encounter during the creative process. Through these abstract pieces, my goal is to inspire and educate. JMAAF is more than just an organization to me; it’s a calling. Each abstract piece I create is a gift from a higher source, a gift I’m driven to share with the world. It’s a way of channeling the blessings I’ve received into art that resonates with individuals from all walks of life.

As you explore the abstract pieces on our platform, I hope you’ll find inspiration, a sense of connection, and a renewed appreciation for the world of fine art. My aspiration for JMAAF is to create a space where these abstract pieces can touch lives, evoke emotions, and open minds. I’m excited about the journey ahead and the opportunity to continually create and exhibit works that inspire and educate.

Thank you for being part of the Justin Mattock Abstract Art Foundation. Your presence here is invaluable, and I eagerly anticipate the shared experiences that await us.

Warm regards,

Justin P. Mattock Founder / Artist Justin Mattock Abstract Art Foundation